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Fast-growing, oxygenating plant, it will occupy all the space you give it, growing in all directions.
The legendary Najas (Najas guadalupensis) is an extraordinary plant.
"No need to plant it... it will remain in limbo with a single objective: to grow its branched stems in all directions."
A real 3D strategy!
"It will thus occupy all the space if you wish, transforming your aquarium into a true aquatic jungle."
"Very effective for serving as a hiding place, it nonetheless allows fish to swim without any problem as it is much less dense than the foams."
Indeed, the network formed by its leaves and stems is quite loose, and fish as well as shrimp manage to navigate through it while feeling safe.
This is the ideal plant for livebearers like guppies, which will reproduce abundantly in it (it is also nicknamed "guppy grass"), but also for the beautiful killifish.
Valued by herbivorous fish, such as goldfish, it is therefore very useful in outdoor ponds.
"It is very effective at filtering the light, making it softer and tinted with its lovely soft green."
Fast-growing plant, it perfectly contributes to water purification and effectively competes against algae.
Like many aquatic plants, it requires a period to adapt to its new environment, then it develops rapidly.
"When she is ready, she will send long roots down to the ground to anchor herself, thus creating an even denser maze for your fish and other aquatic creatures. However, she can still grow without any soil if desired."
"It propagates itself infinitely, each fragment forming a new tuft with disconcerting ease."
"It does not withstand direct frost, and will therefore survive the winter in a pond provided it finds an area spared beneath the frozen surface."
Indicative Pds: 7.5g