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(the 30 ostracods)
"Cleaners, diggers, filterers, these prehistoric crustaceans are the foundation of all aquatic ecosystems. Absolutely essential for a complete biological cycle, fish will nibble on them in times of scarcity."
Ostracods are to the aquatic world what springtails are to the terrestrial world: the foundation of all cycles.
These tiny little creatures are the essential link between dead matter and the world of the living.
Like springtails, they thrive on the substrate in search of already partially decomposed waste. Everything suits them, and their population self-regulates according to the available resources.
These small, extremely primitive crustaceans have existed since the dawn of time and have evolved very little. Their fossils abound in all sedimentary rocks, and for them, even dinosaurs are just young whippersnappers!
There are tens of thousands of species, not to mention all those, certainly even more numerous, that we do not know.
Close relatives of daphnia, these tiny crustaceans are protected by a mineral shell. They resemble (with a good magnifying glass!) small grains of beans scurrying on the bottom or the glass, or sometimes swimming in open water.
"Up close (with a very, very large magnifying glass!), you can see little legs and antennae sticking out from the shell at times."
No aquarium, pond, poubellarium, or water point should be free of ostracods. The first links in aquatic life just after microorganisms, they themselves contain a highly beneficial varied microbiota for the biodiversity of any environment.
They are perfect for colonizing a tank that has just been filled with water. They naturally bring the good bacteria that will start the different cycles, including the nitrogen cycle, which is crucial for the ecosystem.
They often replace the filter, but if it is present, they will settle there to eat the waste!
Indispensable also in any basin; without them, the biological cycle would be unbalanced.
Last very interesting point for fish owners: ostracods are perfectly edible, but less appetizing than other prey.
They therefore constitute a natural food reserve for fish during times of scarcity, such as during your holidays. A free, sustainable food reserve that works and keeps until it is eaten...
The strain you will receive, containing about thirty individuals, is more than sufficient to seed a standard aquarium or a hundred-liter tub.
We offer you two different species for greater biodiversity:
Yellow ostracods, "swimming" ostracods of sandy-orange color, which inhabit both the bottom and the open water. They can survive the winter outdoors but reproduce at high temperatures. Perfect for poubellariums and ponds in full sun.
Brown ostracods, brown walking ostracods that tirelessly roam all surfaces, but do not thrive in open water. Less demanding in heat for reproduction.
Indicative weight: 12g
Indicative Pds (in mix): 22g