Bladder snails
Bladder snails
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A little snail without a story, fond of algae and therefore a good cleaner. Very active during the day, it is interesting to observe and readily reproduces.
The bladder snails are, along with the pond snails, the most widespread snails in our rivers and ponds.
Unlike pond snails, bladder snails do not attack living plants, which makes them preferable in aquariums.
It is important to avoid collecting these snails in the wild for a simple reason: they are reservoirs for certain parasitic cycles including fish and could thus contaminate your inhabitants. It takes several generations of breeding without fish to break these parasitic cycles.
Aside from this point, the bladder snail is a charming little snail that is active during the day, small in size, and very prolific if conditions allow.
Its only serious predator is the glossiphonia, a small harmless leech that we offer to control its population when it becomes invasive.
The bladder snails do important cleaning work, particularly to consume the algae on the aquarium glass, but also incidentally to make disappear the corpses of fish or various critters. When the algae are present, they proliferate, and they regress when the environment becomes poorer in algae. They are therefore an excellent indicator.
"There is no need to feed them, therefore, since the biological cycle as it is is sufficient for them."
They are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both sexes, but they need to be two to reproduce.
Unlike malaysian Trumpet Snail, bladder snails also breathe atmospheric air at the surface. They therefore regularly come up to breathe.
They are comfortable outdoors as well as indoors, even in winter during severe frost.
Indicative weight: 30g