The most aquatic of the mints
F. MattierShare
All mints, or almost all, love water.
There are dozens of species of mints, including among the "true mints," those of the genus Mentha.
And among all of them, there is one that is perfectly aquatic.
Water mint (Mentha aquatica) likes to have its roots and rhizomes submerged. It is comfortable with its feet in the water, on damp banks, and up to about twenty centimeters deep.
Its vertical stems grow until they emerge from the water, and in some cases can reach 80 cm in height. In most cases, it is rather 20 to 40 cm.
Like her terrestrial cousins, she willingly spreads if the environment pleases her, and she is really not difficult!
Its creeping rhizomes explore the soil, and thus one easily obtains magnificent carpets of mint at the edge of its pond. These carpets will spread each year, with water mint enduring the harshest winters.
An excellent way to create a shallow herbarium to shelter fry and various critters, where fish cannot go. And this carpet, in addition to smelling good, will produce a profusion of purple flowers, irresistibly attracting pollinating insects (bees, bumblebees, hoverflies…).
Hence its increasingly common use in permaculture, where it brings life to mini-ponds (sometimes just a simple buried container) around which wild or domestic bees gather. Very useful in a vegetable garden!
And in the aquarium? That's where it gets exciting!
If you soak the roots of a sprig of water mint in an aquarium, it will thrive there, with its feet in the water and its head above. In an open aquarium, through an opening in the lid if it is closed, in a small hanging pot, or without any soil at all...
"Its roots will eagerly consume the nitrates, phosphates, and other excess minerals produced by the fish. Instead of being dangerous and polluting compounds, they then become a magical and organic fertilizer for it!"
"This is the principle of aquaponics, in which a natural cycle is recreated: light is the only engine of this new 'filter'. The more your mint grows, the more the nitrates decrease!"
Don't hesitate to gather this mint to scent the house or laundry. It is at its most fragrant just before it blooms, but its leaves are aromatic all year round. It can be very easily dried.
For consumption, however, be careful: it contains a compound that should not be absorbed in excess. Therefore, prefer a ground mint for your herbal teas.
If you know and appreciate peppermint (the famous "Peppermint" scent), know that it is actually a cross between water mint and spearmint (the one used in herbal teas).
In short, water mint is the emblematic plant of aquaponics, and this should resonate with all nature-conscious aquarists. Not to mention ponds and tub gardens, where it is almost indispensable.
Nadège, c’est très difficile à dire. En extérieur, je n’ai jamais vu d’échecs, sauf certains cas où la floraison ne vient pas la première année.
En intérieur, c’est toujours plus difficile pour n’importe quelle plante : l’atmosphère est généralement plus sèche et la lumière est artificielle. Suivant la situation (près d’une fenêtre, trop proche du chauffage qui assèche), elle peut évidemment souffrir.
Bonjour !
Retour d’expérience sur les menthes
Alors j’en ai mis en intérieur et extérieur (aucune plantée en terre)
En intérieur elles sont mortes
En extérieur certaines sont belles d’autres sont végétatives (celles ci je vais les repiquer en terre pour voir)
Elles n’ont pas encore fleuri mais sentent très bon
J’ai du mal à comprendre pourquoi certaines résistent et d’autres non, surtout lorsqu’elles sont dans un environnement similaire , je compte sur vous pour m’éclairer
Comme d’habitude
Bien à vous
Bonjour !!
Alors petit retour d’expérience sur la menthe.
J’en ai mis partout en intérieur en extérieure en bassin en poubellarium
Aucune n’a été mise en terre
En intérieur elles sont toutes « mortes »
En extérieur j’en ai « belles « les autres végètent ou ont disparu
Je n’ai pas encore de fleurs
Elles sentent très bon
Je vais repiquer celles qui sont végétatives on verra le résultat
Bonne journée à tous