The scandal of the goldfish
F. MattierShare
How many parents find themselves forced to host one or more goldfish, following a fair or a carnival, where their child won this prize?
However, the law is very clear regarding the prohibition of this practice.
The rural code (Art. 214-4) states that:
"The allocation in lots or prizes of any live animal, with the exception of livestock, within the framework of festivals, fairs, sporting events, folkloric and traditional local events, competitions, and agricultural events, is prohibited."
Another paragraph of this same article (214-7) even prohibits the sale:
"The transfer, whether free of charge or for a fee, of dogs and cats and other pets [such as goldfish] is prohibited at fairs, markets, flea markets, trade shows, exhibitions, or any other events not specifically dedicated to animals."
Even in a market, the sale of domestic animals is prohibited.
Because veterinary services are not able to monitor the conditions of animal care in these temporary places.
Despite this legislation, we still very regularly see goldfish offered in lots at certain fairs.
If schools gradually stop doing it during their end-of-year fairs, there are still many cases, often due to ignorance of the rules.
There is still time to act to inform the schools in your area and remind them of this formal prohibition before the fairs at the end of the month.
A living being should never be put up for adoption unless the adoption has been desired, carefully considered, and prepared, while being unaware of the needs of the animal in question, and sometimes being unable to meet them.
The example of the goldfish, which requires a good-sized pond, or at the very least a very large aquarium, is the typical case: the most massively mistreated pet in France is the goldfish (several million per year).
The more of us who know the law and remind others of it everywhere, the faster this practice from another time will disappear from our fairs, markets, and festivals.
A life is worth a life, and a goldfish has the right to its own.
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