Put an end to indoor goldfish
F. MattierShare
We have all known as children, but also as parents, the famous goldfish won at the fair or carnival, very often at the "duck fishing" game.
Of course, it is now perfectly illegal and this practice of giving away a goldfish as a prize at a party is regressing, even if it is still too slow.
This has anchored in the collective imagination the idea that the storyless fish that one can have at home in a simple jar is the goldfish.
We all know that it is, however, the worst possible choice.
- no fish should live in a bowl
- the goldfish is a big fish that should live in a pond
- a goldfish, adult, measures up to 30 cm, eats and dirties a lot.
This question has fortunately become a major topic of animal welfare, and associations rightly fight against the practices of pet shops and trade, which often perpetuate this cruel practice.
However, there is a solution that should be more widespread.
Many households appreciate that their child has a fish.
"It is the choice of the species and that of the jar that poses a problem."
"Why not offer children 60 cm long aquariums (54 liters), easy to set up in any bedroom or living room? Light enough for a simple table or a sturdy piece of furniture."
But what to put in this aquarium?
One of the ideal fish could very well be the Tanichthys albonubes, the popular "Tani"!
This small, colorful, and friendly fish is only 3 times shorter than a goldfish, but it weighs... 200 times less! It therefore eats little and dirties even less.
"It is necessary to give him companions, at least a small group of 6 individuals, perfect for a 54-liter unheated aquarium..."
Instead of a fish that is too big, often alone, that pitifully swims in a tank that is too small, we have a lively and colorful group that does not uproot the plants and instead swims.
"We will see the displays of the males trying to intimidate, fins stretched and colors beautifully enhanced, and we will often see them laying eggs in the early morning. With a bit of luck and plenty of plants, we will occasionally be surprised to see a new little fish appear!"
Of course, no need for a filter and even less to clean the aquarium. The plants will purify the water thanks to the light and will grow on their own.
And if natural aquaristics finally saved goldfish by replacing them with other fish that are much better suited to the conditions of a child's room?
Entièrement d’accord avec vous.
J’ai ce poisson dans un 200 litres.
Il existe en plusieurs variétés.
Il est confiant et familier, actif, occupant toutes les couches d’eau.
Il est facile à élever, et à reproduire en aquarium dédié.
Tout à fait d’accord. Il y a aussi le danio et.
Bravo pour ce petit article !! Le bocal est une torture pour les poissons rouges et l’idée du tanichtys en groupe est excellente et instructive pour nos enfants . Oui, respectons TOUS les animaux ..
Bonjour je viens de commencer un aquarium d’eau froide avec 6 Tanid… et 2 goujons la cohabitation semble parfaite.