What vital functions do ostracods perform in an aquarium or pond?
F. MattierShare
The ostracodes are unknown in traditional aquaristics.
However, they are among the most widespread animals in the microfauna of all aquatic environments around the globe.
Absolutely all. Sailors or freshwater.
It is estimated that the number of ostracod species is 20,000, of which 60% are still unknown!
Ostracods have existed since prehistoric times and their fossils are even used to date certain sediments.
How can it be explained that these mini-crustaceans, omnipresent in all aquatic systems on the planet, are unknown in aquariums?
Probably because aquarium keeping has long been marked by a technophile culture. Each function being ensured by an electric device, the micro-aquatic fauna was somewhat despised, even feared. Every little creature that appeared in an aquarium caused concern, and the primary focus was on finding ways to eliminate it.
However, ostracods are certainly the class of critters that fulfill the most different functions in water bodies.
They are predominantly detritivores and break down all organic waste, whether plant or animal: dead leaves, various carcasses, sick plants, etc. Even the fine plankton that falls to the bottom feeds them!
Unlike daphnia, which filter only suspended particles in the water.
Thus, ostracods swim, gallop, and walk on surfaces or the bottom, in search of anything that is lying around! They are the ones that eat the molts of daphnia and of water lice, and who make the contents of a dead snail disappear before it pollutes the water...
"Not very appetizing for fish, they are often ignored for a while, especially if the fish are used to better foods. In this case, they will only be interested in them in times of scarcity."
In natural aquariums, without a filter, they are not at risk of being sucked in. But they can also be placed in a settling tank so that they can work there away from the fish.
But above all, in the bug aquariums and without fish, we spend fabulous hours, with or without a magnifying glass, watching them gather in groups of dozens to spawn (we don't know everything about their reproduction), swarming on a small dead fragment, like the minions from the movie, to which they actually resemble a lot!
If you have decided to get into natural or fishless aquaristics, these amazing little creatures will be an essential foundation of your ecosystem.
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Et pour les aquarium “classique” avec filtre externe, chauffage a 23°; Tetra néon et zèbre, crevettes, physe et neritina.
J’essaye de tendre vers un milieu des plus naturelle avec une filtration sur tourbe, végétaux en décomposition… J’ai pris daphnie, aselle, et ostracodes mais j’ai des doutes sur leurs survie dans mon bac.. sable de Loire et bien planté avec plantes facile. On verra bien ;)
@Nadège : Les ostracodes d’Aquazolla (qui ne sont pas tropicaux) survivent parfaitement à l’hiver, à condition que tout le volume d’eau ne prenne pas en glace (ce qui est rare !). Mais ils attendront la belle saison pour pondre. Certaines nuits d’hiver très douces, ils ont tendance à remonter vers la surface, actifs sur les bords du récipient. Mais est-ce la douceur ou la lune (comme pour les daphnies) ?
@Kinsch : c’est d’autant plus surprenant que l’association crevettes-ostracodes est une des meilleures… On peut avancer comme pistes un aquarium très propre (ils aiment la crasse, puisqu’ils s’en nourrissent !), une filtration trop forte ?
Les ostracodes en milieu naturel supportent ils le gel ?
Comment survivent ils d une saison à l autre ? Que doit on prévoir pour leur faciliter la vie et passer l hiver ?
Merci pour votre réponse
J’ai régulièrement essayé d’implanter dès ostracodes dans mon aquarium à crevettes sans technologie et je n’arrive pas a les tenir. Ils finissent toujours par disparaître. Un conseil ?