Micro worms
Micro worms
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(starter culture)
A live food that is easy to culture, ideal for fry and small fish. But they should not become the basis of the diet.
These nematode worms are distant cousins of the vinegar eels.
"They are tiny, but just above the size of the micro-worms. That is to say, they are perfect for feeding your fry just before they are big enough to swallow brine shrimp nauplii. This allows you to offer them unsalted prey right after the infusoria. For example, the fry of livebearers like guppies can consume them from the very first day."
"It is enough to raise your fry in shallow water, the worms falling to the bottom where they will wriggle for long hours before being gobbled up by the fish."
"It is a less balanced food than young daphnia, but very useful and very practical."
Indeed, their breeding is easy, although sometimes a bit... smelly!
Some raise these small worms in a pot containing moist oatmeal where they introduce the culture. Aquazolla offers you a spirulina culture medium that is less odorous to use.
When the worms become very numerous on the surface of the substrate, they start to climb along the walls where they form a clearly visible veil. It is then enough to collect them with a small brush or the blade of a knife and distribute them by the thousands to your fish.
Even adult fish of small species love it.
When culture becomes nauseating, it is good to restart it by replanting a pinch of the previous culture in a new substrate.
A culture lasts 3 to 4 weeks before needing to be replanted, depending on the temperature among other factors.
The micro worms save many reproductions for those who want to avoid the demanding (and salty!) breeding of brine shrimp.
You will receive an active strain ready to be replanted.
You can also order our culture support, packaged in a sufficient dose for 3 to 4 weeks of culture.
Indicative weight: 9g