Who are we ?

Aquazolla was founded in 2017 by Mattier.
Agricultural engineer, aquarist for over 40 years, trained in ecological and systemic approaches, he is the originator of the concept of poubellarium, which is a form of 100% natural aquaristics.
Author of the blog l'Aquarium Naturel since 2011, he is also a moderator of the forum Poubellarium.fr since 2004.

"Today, surrounded by a small team of enthusiasts, he is trying to apply the virtues of biodiversity to the aquatic world to build natural and sustainable balances without technology."
At Aquazolla, we believe that excessive technology and scientism are often a reaction of arrogance in the face of a nature whose mysteries frighten us.
"It is often enough to accept complexity and diversity, to consent to not mastering everything, in order to enjoy the magical spectacle of nature at work, and to achieve a true balance, impossible otherwise."

Aquazolla is our way of sharing the experience of thousands of hours and days spent contemplating nature, hands in the water but also in the earth, and always with the humility of one who measures the infinity of what he still does not know.